The following books are not directly the Reiki books, but they are extremely helpful as spiritually practical guidance and we certainly share the same vibration of the pure, universal consciousness.

Spiritual Growth: Being Your Higher Self (Earth Life Book III)
"You are the healers, teachers, and leaders of this new age. You are here to bring through new information, ideas, healing tools, and love to whatever areas you choose to work in. You will be working in many fields, for the new consciousness needs to be built in every area of society. As you grow spiritually and awaken your inner light, you will become a source of light and awakening for others."

Creating Money: Keys to Abundance (Life Mastery Series)
"Developing any higher quality--be it love, inner peace, well-being, happiness, courage, personal power, or self-respect--will change your vibration and make you magnetic to whatever matches your new vibration. You will become magnetic not only to more money, but to all the forms that will help you express your new level of growth. You will draw to you the things you know you want, as well as having things come to you before you are aware you need them. You will attract things that are better than what you ask for and everything around you will fit who you are."